Adam 12 Months


Adam 12 Months

21.3 lbs  30.5”

And just like that we have a one year old! 

This month we have seen huge strides (pun intended) in his walking ability. He is taking more and more risks venturing out on his own without support. And he has figured out how to turn around while standing. Before he would only get his legs all tangled together and fall. 


With his new mobility comes new curiosity, reaching for everything, opening cabinets, pulling on lamp cords, attempting to stick things into other things (outlets, containers, the dog), trying to climb the couch, and even breaking out of his baby jail. We’ve had to start saying, “No.” much more often these days. 


We finally have a first tooth this month too! A few days before his birthday a little white nub appeared in the front of his lower gums. He’s been a real trouper if he has had any pain, because he hasn’t been acting very differently. 

He started “butt dancing” early this month to any music with a good beat that he likes.  He especially has been keen on the Futurama theme song. 

With his new added energy and curiosity, the warm weather couldn’t have come at a better time. He is enjoying stroller rides much more these days since he started facing out into the world. He sings little baby babble songs as we stroll. We started going to the park so he can climb around on the baby playground. He loves crawling trough the tunnel, going down the slide, trying to climb back up the slide, and going on the swing. 

In our back yard he can’t get enough of the rocks and dirt. I have to stand right on top of him since he still loves putting everything gross into his mouth. Although he has learned, “Give to Mama” and will hand over whatever choking hazard he is currently holding. 

His most recent little quirky trick this month has been making a fish face with kissing noises. He loves to pucker and pop his lips to anyone who will watch, including the “baby in the mirror”. 


He isn’t quite talking beyond babbling yet. Much like the month before, we think he says some form of Momma, Dadda, and Ha (Hops). But he does recognize more and more words; Hops, Daddy, Balloon, Owl, Hungry, Head, Eyes, Baby. 


He’s a sweet little boy who needs to keep busy to stay happy. He’s getting a little temper when he doesn’t get his way, we’re going to be working on that one. But so far he quickly forgets what he was pissed at if we turn to something else to hold his interest.

He loves to get hugs throughout the day and needs to go right into his bed when he is tired. He just settles in and goes to sleep — most of the time.

(Adam’s onesie by kakabaka)

Adam's First Birthday Party

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Adam's Owls

 In Adam’s room, we have a shelf of owls. His entire life, I would hold him up to see the owls and sing, “The owls go Hoot Hoot!”. This past month we were all playing on the floor in Adam’s room and I started singing, “The owls go Hoot Hoot!”. Adam …


In Adam’s room, we have a shelf of owls. His entire life, I would hold him up to see the owls and sing, “The owls go Hoot Hoot!”. This past month we were all playing on the floor in Adam’s room and I started singing, “The owls go Hoot Hoot!”. Adam turned around and pointed directly at the shelf of owls. We were so excited! It was the first time he deliberately gestured to something we were talking about and really showed that he as been listening to us!


blue and green crocheted owls: California Sweet Peas

square felted owl: feltjar

large plush white owl: April Foss, I Sew Lucky

Adam 11 Months


Adam 11 Months


A big month for change, as Adam took his first steps! He is still pretty unsteady on his two feet, but he is making quick progress as he challenges himself every day with walking greater distances and standing on his own. 


He is interacting a lot more with his toys and other people. He is beginning to wave and point. This month was the first time he deliberately pointed at an object we were talking about. He is even attempting names. He starts yelling “Dadadada” when he sees Marco, calling for “Mamamama” when I’m out of sight, and will even address Hops, “Ha-Ha” when we are playing with the dog. When he is interested in something he often says,  ”Ooooo!”

Adam has also started putting toys together, such as concentrating to put a lid on a bucket or assembling two pieces of a toy together. 

This month was also the first time he has gotten sick. We’ve been extremely lucky so far keeping him fever-free, but it was bound to happen. He was a trouper, and we made it through even though the whole family subsequently caught the stuffy-head baby disease.