Adam 10 Months


Adam 10 Months

19.2 lbs. 28” tall

This month we have seen little strides towards independence. He’s not officially walking yet, but he can certainly move himself from place to place very easily with the help of furniture to aid in balance. He started using a sippy-cup and feeding himself little pieces of food more successfully. Still no teeth.

He has been spending a bit of time each day watching Sesame Street in baby jail while enjoying a snack, giving me much appreciated free time. But for the majority of the day, I’m following him around the house as he crawls about getting into EVERYTHING. I started calling him Mr. Mischief. 


He has discovered the intriguing challenge of stairs and can climb all the way to the top on his own. (While I stand directly behind him ready to catch) He does this feat a few times a day. Sometimes he will bring a toy block up with him, tossing it up one stair at a time as he climbs. 

He is still sleeping 12 hours a night and in the morning he entertains himself with touch-and-feel books I leave tucked in the sides of his crib. He still can’t sit still while being read to, but he loves taking his books off the shelf and flipping through a few favorites. 


He can now walk on his own with his little Radio Flyer cart we got him for Christmas. Although one of this favorite activities is to be wheeled around while he sits inside. (Check it out on Vine)


He has been much more focused on his toys and has started pushing cars around. It fills me with so much joy seeing him develop into a little boy as he moves away from babyhood.
