Adam 3 Months
Adam 3 Months
We have been so busy with our little boy that even this post is two weeks late. Adam needs more entertainment now and he hates when we sit down while holding him most of the time. So we’ve been getting a lot of exercise walking around with our 11lbs 10oz baby.
He has been making a lot of baby talk and tons of smiles this month. I’m convinced his first word was “Owl”.
He loves looking at the “baby in the mirror” and gives us great big smiles. He is also fascinated by the flags hanging on the wall next to his changing table.
He started grabbing at toys and holding rattles, sometimes bringing them to his mouth.
He loves watching the Maroon 5 video, Moves Like Jagger.
His sleep has been getting much better. Most nights he goes to bed between 7PM and 8PM, fusses around midnight, wakes up around 3:30AM for a feeding, and then sleeps until about 7:30AM. We did have two glorious nights of 10 hours of solid sleep. He has no trouble falling asleep (knock on wood!)
He always takes a nap around 9AM and another around noon.
He gets frustrated when he can’t get what he wants (like most kids?).
Everyone who meets him says he is very alert. He is pretty good at focusing on something for quite a while. He especially loves looking around outside.
Everyday he interacts a little more and it is so fun to watch.