24 Weeks
Week 24
Each week I have two poses for the belly photo, one laying down and one standing. While taking the laying down photo, baby boy started kicking the blocks resting on my belly and made them jiggle. He’s getting stronger every day.
I’ve been avoiding buying a maternity coat. It has been nice that the winter was mild so far and I’ve been able to get away without one. But as the temperature drops and I can only button one button at the top of my coats, I’m starting to feel a serious draft. I don’t think I can make it through February without one. Any recommendations where to find cute maternity coats that don’t just look like you’re dressed in a huge sleeping bag?
Speaking of avoiding things, I must confess I’ve also been avoiding the third trimester section of my baby book. I didn’t want to get freaked out too early. But I think it might be time to start looking ahead. With only one more month left in this trimester, I should start getting prepared for the final three months. I’m also going to look into local baby classes as well as take a trip to the birthing center. It’s starting to become more apparent that this little fella is on his way.