30 Weeks
Week 30
The bump is starting to get out of control! It took so long to start showing and now, bam! here it is. Strangers have started noticing and saying some interesting things. People love sharing their past pregnancy horror stories to currently pregnant people. I can’t believe some of the things people say. It’s like talking about a plane crash to someone about to take a flight. Strangers also love to boost a pregnant mother’s confidence by announcing “You’re about to give birth!” or “You’re huge!”. Yup. Thanks. So for those of you out there with an occupied lady in your life, tell her lies. It will give her confidence and make her happy. Which is important in these final months.
This week I was told that baby boy has to start getting into position. Right now he uses me like a hammock. Which has been great! No kicks to the lungs or extra bladder pressure. But now it’s time to make him make me uncomfortable. I’ve been given a few crazy upside down poses to get into to encourage him to turn. No need to panic just yet. This is just starting early so by 34 weeks he can get where he needs to be.